St. Louis County Office Buildings will be closed Monday, February 17th, 2025 in observance of Presidents Day. 

Questions about the Tax Forfeiture Class-Action Settlement? Visit or call 1-833-709-0093


Child & Adolescent Health


Providing opportunities for healthy development early in life sets children and teens up for long-term health and wellbeing. We work with families and community organizations to support, strengthen, and expand relationships that promote health and nutrition outcomes in children.

We can assist with accessing healthy food, finding medical and dental providers, interpreter services, transportation to and from appointments, and more.

Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)

Having access to healthy foods is an important part of growing up healthy. The WIC program was designed to make healthy foods more accessible for pregnant people, breastfeeding/chestfeeding and postpartum parents, infants, and children.  

Find out if you’re eligible from the Minnesota Department of Health’s WIC page. Call one of our WIC Program offices for more information. 

MN WIC Application 

USDA Nondiscrimination Statement 

SNAP Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program- MN Department of Human Services 


Child and Teen Checkups (C&TC) Program

Child and Teen Checkups (C&TC) is Minnesota’s comprehensive child health program for newborns up to age 21 who are eligible for Medicaid. C&TC benefits include a complete physical exam, immunizations, hearing and vision checks, lab tests, growth measurements, developmental screening, dental varnishing application, and anticipatory guidance about physical and mental health needs. Visit the Child & Teen Checkup website for more information or visit St. Louis County’s Child and Teen Checkups YouTube Channel.  

Participating C&TC providers in St. Louis County:  

Medical Care

Dental Care


Follow Along Program

Minnesota’s Follow Along Program is a great way to learn about and support your child’s development. If you have concerns about your child’s development, discuss them with your primary health care provider. Additionally, you or your child’s provider can make a referral to Minnesota’s early intervention system, Help Me Grow

Asthma Home Visiting

Complete the Asthma Home Visiting Referral Form if you, a family member, or a patient would benefit from free asthma home visits for children and adults with poorly controlled asthma who live in southern St. Louis County. Services include a home assessment for asthma triggers, self-management education, care-coordination and support, and one-on-one instruction on how to use asthma medications and follow an individualized asthma action plan. Learn more about Asthma Basics from the Minnesota Department of Health. 

Asthma Home Visiting Referral Form

Breastfeeding/Chestfeeding Support

Our staff includes specially trained Certified Lactation Consultants to provide education and support to pregnant and breastfeeding/chestfeeding individuals. WIC participants have an opportunity to connect with a Peer Breastfeeding/Chestfeeding Counselor (a WIC parent who lives in the community and has personal experience with lactation) and receive support via phone, text, or in-office visits. Call one of our WIC offices to learn more. 

Learn about supporting breastfeeding/chestfeeding individuals in the workplace from the Minnesota Department of Health.  

Birth Defects Monitoring and Analysis Program

The Birth Defects Monitoring and Analysis program at the Minnesota Department of Health gathers data about selected birth defects diagnosed in the first year of life. Our public health nurses can coordinate with parents/guardians and other professionals from the care team of a child to identify needs, develop a plan, and provide support for maintaining the best care possible. 

Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Program

Some degree of hearing loss is the most common health condition present at birth. Delays to hearing screenings and early intervention services can affect a child’s quality of life. The aim of the Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) program through the Minnesota Department of Health is to improve healthcare access and the quality of services for children who are deaf or are hard of hearing.   


Public Health Mainlines

Duluth: 218-725-5210

Ely: 218-365-8200

Hibbing: 218-312-8300

Virginia: 218-471-7600

WIC Program

Northern St. Louis County:218-749-0604

Southern St. Louis County:218-725-5211

C&TC Program

Sarah Lehrke, 218-725-5275

Asthma Program

Kelly Bruels, 218-725-5212

