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Intellectual Disability Services


Intellectual Disabilities Services provides:

  • Person-centered case management
  • Service information & referral
  • Service plan development, coordination, monitoring, and evaluation
  • Funding Access

Eligibility for Intellectual Disabilities Services

To be eligible for Intellectual Disability Services, a person must have an intellectual disability or related condition. A related condition is a severe, chronic disability resulting in significant functional limitations. Examples of a related condition include:  Autism Spectrum Disorder, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy, Chromosome Anomalies, Prader Willi Syndrome, etc. The condition must also have manifested prior to age 22.

To determine eligibility, a MnCHOICES Assessment must be completed. The MnCHOICES Assessment is a person-centered assessment to help people with long-term or chronic-care needs make care decisions and select support and service options.

The MnCHOICES Assessor will meet with the person (including guardians and parents) to complete the computer-based assessment, as well as gather documentation to determine eligibility for services. Per state requirement, a person must have a current psychological evaluation, which includes a minimum of IQ testing and adaptive behavior testing.

Please call the MnCHOICES Intake at 218-726-2366 for further information about Intellectual Disabilities Services or to make a referral.

Available Services

Case Management
Case Management for persons with an intellectual disability or related conditions assists a person in gaining access to needed social, medical, educational and other supports and services. The case manager works on behalf of the person in a person-centered manner to identify their unique needs and to minimize the impact of the disability on the individual’s life while assuring continuity of services and supports for the person.


Developmental Disabilites Waiver
The Developmental Disabilities (DD) Waiver provides funding for home and community-based services for children and adults with developmental disabilities or related conditions. Assessed waiver service needs, as identified in the person's service plan, may be provided in a person's own home, in his/her biological or adoptive family's home, in a relative's home (e.g., sibling, aunt, grandparent, etc.), in a family foster care home or corporate foster care home.

Who is eligible for DD Waiver services?
Eligibility for DD Waiver services is determined through a screening process. To be eligible for DD Waiver services, a person must meet all these criteria:
  • Be determined to have a developmental disability or related condition
  • Be determined to likely require the level of care provided to individuals in an Intermediate Care Facility for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (ICF/DD)
  • Be eligible for Medical Assistance
  • Make an informed choice requesting home and community-based services instead of ICF/DD services

Personal Care Assistance (PCA)
The personal care assistance program provides services to persons who need help with day-to-day activities to allow them be more independent in their own home. A personal care assistant is an individual trained to help persons with basic daily routines. A PCA may be able to help you if you have a physical, emotional or mental disability, a chronic illness or an injury.

Who is eligible for personal care assistance services?
To be eligible for the personal care assistance program, a person must meet all these criteria:

  • Be eligible to receive Medical Assistance or MinnesotaCare Expanded (pregnant women and children)
  • Require services that are medically necessary and ordered by a physician
  • Be able to make decisions about your own care or have someone who can make decisions for you

Family Support Grant
The Family Support Grant (FSG) program provides state cash grants to families of children with certified disabilities. The goal is to prevent or delay out-of-home placement of children with disabilities and promote family health and social well-being by providing access to family-centered services and supports.

Consumer Support Grant
The Consumer Support Grant program is a state-funded alternative to Medicaid home care services of home health aide, personal care assistance and/or private duty nursing. Medicaid services are paid for with a combination of state and federal money. The Consumer Support Grant Program allows eligible consumers to convert the state portion of payments for specific home care services into a cash grant. The monthly cash grants replace fee-for-service home care services payments. With county assistance, consumers can manage and pay for a variety of home and community-based services. The CSG program gives consumers greater flexibility and freedom of choice in service selection, payment rates, service delivery specifications and employment of service providers. Parents, spouses, family members, trusted neighbors or friends can be paid for service, as well as employees of traditional home care provider agencies. Consumers may choose the participant employer option and act as the employer of their direct support workers. For more information, please see Participant Employer Options.


Semi-independent living services

Semi-independent living services (SILS) include training and assistance in managing money, preparing meals, shopping, hygiene and other activities needed to maintain and improve the capacity of an adult with a developmental disability to live in the community. A goal of SILS is to support people in ways that help them achieve their goals and direct their own lives.
  • Eligibility
To be eligible, you must meet all these criteria:
  • Be 18 or older
  • Be determined to have a developmental disability or a related condition
  • Be unable to function independently without semi-independent living services.
  • Services
Services include training and assistance in:
  • First aid and getting help in an emergency
  • Learning and exercising rights and responsibilities of community living
  • Nutrition, meal planning and preparation
  • Obtaining and maintaining a home
  • Personal appearance and hygiene
  • Self-administration of medication
  • Shopping
  • Social, recreation and transportation skills, including appropriate social behavior
  • Using the phone and other utilities.

Other Services|
You may also qualify for other services. These services may be found in the Children and Family Division page



Phone: 218-726-2366

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