St. Louis County Office Buildings will be closed Monday, February 17th, 2025 in observance of Presidents Day. 

Questions about the Tax Forfeiture Class-Action Settlement? Visit or call 1-833-709-0093


Auditor - Mall Service Center



Mall Service Center - Original - 1 - DSC_2716 -Final Crop - copy 111816

The Mall Service Center is located on the back side of the Miller Hill Mall between JC Penney and Essentia

The Auditor's Service Center will be open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.


Some reminders that may affect people's need to visit the Service Center:

•    All Real ID Requirements for boarding a domestic flight have been extended until May 2025. 
•    We are now processing Passports but customers will experience a longer processing time once submitted.

Service Center Drop Box Operations:

License Tabs- Can be processed with a written check and renewal notice via the drop box located outside. If you do not have a renewal notice please include a written permission slip and where you want your tabs mailed.

DNR renewals- Can be processed with a written check and renewal notice via the drop box located outside.

Property Taxes- Can be processed with a written check and Property Tax Statement via the drop box located outside.

Driver’s Licenses- We can only do Self Certifications with a copy of a medical certificate and the Self Certification form completed.

Disability Certificates- We can process all disability certificates with a fully filled out form from any medical professional and we will mail you back the temporary certificate via the drop box located outside.

Motor Vehicle Title Transactions- We can process all title transactions with a written check, but please call us first for the proper fees and signature requirements along with any forms you may need to complete these transactions, then you can drop off via the drop box located outside.

Filling out MN Title Instructions        Filling out Out of State Titles

Please Make Check Payable to: St. Louis County Auditor

If you have any questions you can call us directly at 218-279-2520.


Driver's Licenses

Obtaining Your Drivers License

You can obtain standard licenses, commercial (unless
there is a hazardous waste material or school bus
endorsement), provisional driver’s licenses, instructions
permits and identifications cards.

  • Services: Renew, change, or apply for duplicate
    licenses/permits/IDs.  Real ID’s
    Enhanced Drivers License or Enhanced Identification Cards
    EDL/ID has limited acceptance availability.
  • Identification: If you do not have a current driver’s
    license, please bring a birth certificate and Social
    Security card to identify yourself.  If you do not have
    those forms, other specific forms of identification will
    be required.  If you lost your Minnesota driver’s license
    and still live at the address shown on the license,
    identification is not required.
  • Related Services: These services are NOT provided by
    the Service Center (They are provided locally at the
    Driver’s License Exam Station, 4602 Grand Avenue,
    Suite 990, Duluth, Minnesota 55807, (218) 216-0834).
    • Road Tests
    • Apply, renew, or change commercial driver’s
      license with hazardous waste material
    • Apply for, renew or change commercial driver’s
      license with a school bus endorsement
    • New Minnesota residents applying for their
      driver’s license without a current out of state credential (a written test is required)
    • First time applicant services for drivers


Motor Vehicle/DNR Licenses

Title and register vehicles – new, used, and out of state;
apply for duplicate titles or registration; apply for
handicapped parking certificates; purchase or order special
license plates (disability, personalized, collegiate, firefighter,
critical habitat, limousine, van pool, ambulance, ARO/CB
and various veteran’s plates); report that a vehicle has been
junked; report the sale of a vehicle when the buyer has not
transferred the title.

Any type of payment related to vehicle registration or titling
can be made in the Service Center during regular business

Possible required information:
Title, driver’s license, license plate number, lien holder’s
name and address, odometer reading, engine number
(motorcycles only).

Starting January 1st, 2016 every owner, when applying for
motor vehicle or motorcycle registration, renewing their
tabs, or transferring ownership, must provide information
showing that the motor vehicle or motorcycle is covered by 
an insurance policy.  Owners will need to provide the
following information under the new law:

  • Name of insurance company
  • Policy number
  • Expiration date of the policy

See FAQ’s under the Motor Vehicle/DNR Licenses Tab for
detailed information.

See All Motor Vehicle/DNR License FAQ's


Obtain Passport Applications and Passport Photographs
Services:  Provide passport application services, renewals
of passports, and passport photographs.  Expedited
processing, overnight mail, and forms available.

See FAQ’s for detailed information.

See All Passport FAQ's

Property Tax Payments

All St. Louis County property Tax payments can be done in person or through our drop box with the payment stub.

Pay your Taxes online and Property Tax Search

See all Property Tax Payment FAQ's

Ben Martin
Deputy Auditor
Service Center Manager