Housing Support, formerly known as Group Residential Housing (GRH), is a state-funded income supplement to help older adults and people with disabilities who have low incomes pay for their housing expenses. In order to prevent and/or reduce homelessness or institutionalization and promote housing stability, Housing Support provides financial support for rent, utilities, household needs, food, and services for eligible individuals.
Housing Support is authorized when the:
- Person is eligible to receive Housing Support
- Provider has an active Housing Support Agreement with the county or tribe
- Place satisfies all settings requirements (i.e., lease, applicable licensure or registration, completed habitability inspections)
A person is eligible to receive Housing Support room/board if they:
- are age 18 or older with a certified disability or disabling condition or are age 65 or older
- have low income and low assets
- reside in a setting authorized by the county or tribe with a Housing Support Agreement
To qualify to receive Housing Support supplemental services, a person must also require assistance in two of the following four areas:
- Tenancy supports (Example: maintaining tenant responsibilities, conflict negotiation, etc.)
- Supportive services (example: budgeting, cooking, cleaning, hygiene, monitoring of overall well-being, etc.)
- Employment supports (Example: find and maintain job)
- Health supervision services (Example: Ensuring medication accessibility, assistance with scheduling appointments, etc.)
The Housing Support provider does not need to be the one providing these services, rather the provider assists residents to get their needs met- sometimes providing services and other times referring and coordinating care for individuals.
Housing Support is used in 2 different types of settings
- Group settings are places where meals are provided on site, staff are present, and services are provided. Typically, these include Board and Lodges. For a list of North and South SLC Board and Lodges, click here: North and South BL LIST
- Community Settings are typically smaller scattered sites, require a lease and the individual is typically eligible for food support through the supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) (pending individual eligibility). Services are also provided. Typically, these are Long Term Homeless Supportive Housing programs. In addition to the above requirements, an individual also must qualify as long term homeless (1 year continuous or 4 times in 3 years) For a list of LTH providers, please click here: North and South LTH LIST
Housing Support is used in 2 different types of settings
- Group settings are places where meals are provided on site, staff are present, and services are provided. Typically, these include Board and Lodges. For a list of North and South SLC Board and Lodges, click here: North and South BL LIST
- Community Settings are typically smaller scattered sites, require a lease and the individual is typically eligible for food support through the supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) (pending individual eligibility). Services are also provided. Typically, these are Long Term Homeless Supportive Housing programs. In addition to the above requirements, an individual also must qualify as long term homeless (1 year continuous or 4 times in 3 years) For a list of LTH providers, please click here: North and South LTH LIST
If you are interested in becoming a Housing Support provider
- Contact the Housing Support Programs Team (HSPT) at 218.726.2120 or email HousingSupportPrograms@StLouisCountyMN.gov
- Review the St. Louis County Manual for the program you are interested in.
- Group Settings (such as Board and Lodges)
- Community Settings (such as Long Term Homeless Supportive Housing)
- Attend the Housing Support provider orientation part I to learn more about the Housing Support program, provider requirements, program policies and priorities.
- If you are interested in proceeding with becoming a provider, work with the HSPT on next steps.
- Attend the Housing Support provider orientation part II.