Help Keep the Roads Clean
The St. Louis County Adopt-A-Highway program is a public service opportunity for businesses, clubs, churches, families, and other organizations to help keep the county highway system clean. In recognition and appreciation for your group's service, St. Louis County installs and maintains Adopt-a-Highway signs that display your group's name.
A group is expected to complete a highway cleanup two (2) times per calendar year. Typically, highway cleanups are completed during the spring (April/May) and fall (September/October).
St. Louis County provides safety vests and garbage bags at no cost. Volunteers are expected to provide their own gloves and other equipment such as garbage grabbers.
St. Louis County Adopt-A-Highway Web Application
To view which county highway segments are available to adopt, apply to adopt a county highway segment, or submit a cleanup report, use the links below to launch the St. Louis County Adopt-A-Highway Web Application.

Please Note: The Adopt-A-Highway Web Application is currently not optimized for viewing on a mobile device. We recommend viewing the application on a desktop computer or laptop. Production is underway for creating a mobile-friendly version of the application.
St. Louis County Adopt-A-Highway Web Application
For more information regarding the St. Louis County Adopt-A-Highway program, please call 218-625-3860.