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Bail Bonds


A Written Promise

What is a Bail Bond?

A bail bond is one method used to obtain the release of a defendant awaiting trial upon criminal charges from the custody of law enforcement officials. The defendant, the defendant's family and friends, or a professional bail bond agent (or bail agent) executes a document that promises to forfeit the sum of money determined by the court to be commensurate with the gravity of the alleged offense if the defendant fails to return for the trial date.


Most defendants are financially unable to post their own bail, so they seek help from a bail agent, who, for a nonrefundable fee of 10 to 20 percent of the amount of the bail, post bails.

Click here for the State Bail Bond list

Contact Us

In emergency or to file a report, call 911. If you are outside of St. Louis County and need to report an emergency, call 218-625-3581.

Duluth Sheriff's Office

Hibbing Sheriff's Office

Virginia Sheriff's Office

St. Louis County Jail

All contacts