St. Louis County offers different forms of financial assistance for septic owners.
Low Interest Loans: Repair, replacement or upgrading of any portion-of an ISTS that is outside the residential or commercial structure, including any part of a collector system between the house and the junction with the collector system. See the
Septic Loans Fact Sheet for additional details.
- Low Interest Loan
- Maximum 10 Years
- 3% Interest Rate
- Maximum Loan $50,000
- No Income Restrictions
Deferred Loans: Repair, replace, or upgrade any portion of an individual sewage treatment system deemed an Imminent Threat to Public Health (ITPH) or Non-Compliant. See the
Septic Loans Fact Sheet for additional details.
- System must be an Imminent Threat to Public Health (ITPH) or Non-Compliant
- Available to eligible low-income households
- Household projected gross annual income must be within USDA Rural Development low-income limits
- Deferred loan with 0% interest and no monthly payments
- Forgivable at the end of the 5-year term with continued ownership and occupancy
Contact Information
Beth Davies
Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency (AEOA)
(218) 735-6819