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Disabled Veterans


Disabled Veterans Homestead Market Value Exclusion

Homesteaders who are honorably discharged veterans with a service-connected disability rating of 70 percent or more may qualify for a Disabled Veterans Market Value Exclusion.  Disability ratings are determined by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs.
  • Qualifying veterans with a disability rating of 70 percent or higher are eligible for a market value exclusion of up to $150,000.
    • Reapply immediately if your rating is increased to total and permanent so your exclusion can be increased accordingly. 
  • Qualifying veterans who are totally (100 percent) and permanently disabled are eligible for a market value exclusion of up to $300,000.
  • Spouses of deceased veterans who were 100 percent totally and permanently disabled, and those who receive dependency and indemnity compensation, may also qualify for a market value exclusion of up to $300,000.
Applications are due to the Assessor’s Department by December 31 of the assessment year in order to receive this benefit for taxes payable the following year. Rating change reapplications are also due the same date. 
If you have specific questions, feel free to contact the Assessor's Department or your Veteran's Services officer.
Facts about the program are available from the Department of Revenue: