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Adult Foster Care Licensing

St Louis County licenses, monitors and supports foster homes for vulnerable adults who cannot live independently due to physical, emotional, developmental or mental health concerns.

  • The foster care license applicants must meet the following minimum standards:
  • Proposed foster care home must be in St Louis County and meet fire codes
  • Applicant must be at least 18 years old
  • Members of the proposed foster care home who are at least 13 years old must pass a criminal and social service background check
  • Applicant(s) must provide three positive references from non-relatives
  • Applicant's proposed foster care home must have bedroom space for each resident
  • Applicant must complete a home study session with the licensor and meet annual training requirements
Each licensed foster care is assigned a St Louis County licensor who ensures:
  • All aspects of state and county licensing mandates and policies are followed
  • The home is physically and emotionally safe for the clients
  • Providers are kept informed of changes in licensing mandates and policies
  • The county provides information and education concerning the providers site
  • Providers are required to attend training events
  • Providers are supported in providing a save and supportive environment
Application Process
The application process generally takes four to six months. The applicant must:
  • Contact St. Louis County
  • Attend an information meeting and orientation session
  • Complete the intake packet you received at the orientation session
  • Complete a DHS background study and receive a clearance letter
  • Have a Fire Marshal conduct an inspection in your home
  • Be assigned to a licensing social worker who will schedule home visits

The licensor makes a recommendation to the Department of Human Services (DHS) for licensing. DHS makes the final licensing decision.

The county does not provide training to adult foster providers. Providers will need to seek resources to support training needs.
  • Each adult foster care provider is expected to attend 12 hours of training annually in the first five years of operation. HCBS providers require 24 hours of annual training. 
  • Foster care providers licensed more than five years are required to attend at least six hours of training a year.
  • VA training is required annually.
Clients and Payments
  • St Louis County cannot guarantee that you will have people who want to live in your home. You must market your home and be flexible in the type of people you are willing to serve, mental or physical health issues, developmental issues or elderly.
  • Family providers receive monthly minimum room and board payment set by the Minnesota Department of Human Services. Residents medical and dental costs are covered through Medical Assistance or other insurance the person may have. A difficulty of care rating may be set based on the required level of care. The payment may be a combination of the client's pension, Social Security income, Social Security Disability and Group Residential Housing (GRH) funds. Residents who have the financial resources to pay can negotiate a fee with the provider.
  • Waiver supported residents require a higher care and support level. Provider must have a HCBS License from DHS.

Association of Residential Resources of Minnesota
Minnesota Foster Care Rules
DHS Provider Enrollment