St. Louis County Office Buildings will be closed Monday, February 17th, 2025 in observance of Presidents Day. 

Questions about the Tax Forfeiture Class-Action Settlement? Visit or call 1-833-709-0093


2022 Dental Survey


The St. Louis County Health Insurance Committee needs your input! 

The county and Arrowhead Regional Corrections offer a dental benefit for employees, the premium for full-time employees is paid 100% by the employer.  We also offer an option for employees to purchase dependent dental coverage for their family members, the premium is paid 100% by the employee.

The purpose of this survey is to listen to our employees and their preferences as they relate to the dependent dental coverage. 

We are interested in your input even if your family members are not currently enrolled.  

We anticipate your time needed to complete the survey to be less than 3 minutes.

Current Benefits

Self-Insured Employee Dental

100% Employer Paid (prorated for Part-time)

Fully-Insured Dependent Dental

100% Employee Paid


Coverage Details:


Coverage Details:

Coverage for Employees only

(no family members)

Coverage for family members only

(no employee)

Delta Dental – Group ID 0610

Delta Dental – Group ID 097991

Full-Time Employee Cost:  $0/month

Part-Time Employee Cost:  Prorated up to $41.36/month

Your Cost to cover:

Spouse only $45.35/month

One child only $31.30/month

2+ family members $79.70/month

Dental plan will pay up to  $1,500/calendar year of your dental expenses

 Dental plan will pay up to $1,200/calendar year for each family member

80% coverage on Periodontics & Endodontics

50% coverage on Periodontics & Endodontics

No Deductibles

$50 deductible per family member ($150 cap)

Survey Questions:
